Success case

Argentina / Chile / Colombia


Corporate communication

Dex Manager optimizes the WeWork experience in Argentina, Chile and Colombia.

Founded in 2010, WeWork leads the co-working space industry with innovative designs and contract flexibility. Offering everything from hot desking to private offices, fostering collaboration in global business communities.


WeWork needed to manage the content on the screens of its buildings in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The lack of a centralized and efficient solution complicated management and consistency in the presentation of information.


We implemented Dex Manager to centralize control and manage content easily. The platform allowed information to be customized in real time according to the specific needs of each location.

Dex Manager exceeded our expectations, transforming content management and improving the user experience at WeWork in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Incorporating this platform was a key change. Now, managing and adapting the information on our screens is easier than ever."

Cecilia Rossi

Procurement Lead


Casos de éxito


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